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Mission Poshan: Nurturing the Future - Tackling Malnutrition in India

Launched in 2018, Mission Poshan, also known as the National Nutrition Mission, embarked on a crucial mission in India: tackling malnutrition in all its forms and ensuring optimal nutritional security for its citizens. Recognizing the significant prevalence of stunting, wasting, and micronutrient deficiencies, particularly among children and women, the mission aimed to create a holistic ecosystem for improved nutrition, impacting generations to come. This article delves into the intricacies of Mission Poshan, examining its objectives, key features, implementation, impact, and ongoing challenges.

Understanding the Problem: A Nation Grappling with Malnutrition

In 2018, India faced a daunting reality:

  • High Levels of Malnutrition: According to the National Family Health Survey, 35.7% of children under five were stunted, indicating chronic undernutrition, while 22.9% were wasted, reflecting acute undernutrition.

  • Micronutrient Deficiencies: Widespread deficiencies in iron, vitamin A, iodine, and folic acid hampered child development and adult health.

  • Unequal Distribution: Children from marginalized communities, girls, and rural populations bore the brunt of malnutrition, exacerbating disparities and hindering overall development.

Mission Poshan: A Multi-pronged Approach to Nutritional Security

Mission Poshan aimed to:

  • Reduce Stunting and Wasting: Achieve significant reduction in stunting and wasting among children under five within a defined timeframe.

  • Address Micronutrient Deficiencies: Combat deficiencies in iron, vitamin A, iodine, and folic acid through supplementation and dietary diversification.

  • Promote Behavior Change: Foster positive behavioral changes related to breastfeeding, dietary practices, and hygiene through community mobilization and awareness campaigns.

  • Strengthen Delivery Systems: Enhance capacity building of frontline workers, improve service delivery mechanisms, and ensure effective monitoring and evaluation.

Key Pillars of the Mission: Building Nutritional Strength

  • Three Verticals: The mission operates through three verticals: Anganwadi Services, School Nutrition Program, and Public Awareness.

  • Convergence: Integrating various government programs like ICDS, PDS, and MNREGA aimed at ensuring holistic nutritional support and addressing underlying causes of malnutrition.

  • Community Engagement: Engaging communities, local bodies, and women's groups in planning, implementation, and monitoring to generate ownership and sustainability.

  • Technology Integration: Leveraging technologies like mobile applications, data analytics, and digital learning for capacity building, monitoring, and behavior change communication.

Implementation and Impact: Progress amidst Challenges

Mission Poshan has yielded both noteworthy achievements and ongoing challenges:

  • Improved Dietary Practices: Increased emphasis on diversified diets, millets, and locally available nutritious foods has shown positive outcomes in some regions.

  • Supplementation Programs: Reaching more children and women with micronutrient supplementation programs has led to a decline in some deficiencies.

  • Capacity Building: Training frontline workers on nutrition counseling and behavior change communication has enhanced service delivery.

  • Increased Awareness: Public awareness campaigns have stimulated discussions about nutrition and encouraged positive practices.

Benefits of the Scheme:


  • Improved health and well-being: By addressing malnutrition, particularly among children, pregnant women, and adolescent girls, Mission Poshan contributes to a healthier population. This translates to reduced risk of diseases, improved physical and cognitive development, and enhanced overall quality of life.

  • Increased awareness and knowledge: Awareness campaigns and educational initiatives associated with the mission promote better understanding of nutrition, healthy eating habits, and proper childcare practices, empowering individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.

  • Improved access to nutritious food: The mission's focus on strengthening food distribution systems and promoting local production of diverse foods can lead to increased availability and affordability of nutritious options for communities.


  • Empowerment and improved livelihoods: By addressing malnutrition, especially among children, the mission can contribute to a more productive workforce and reduce healthcare costs in the long run, leading to improved economic prospects for communities.

  • Sustainable development: Promoting local food production and consumption practices aligns with sustainable development goals, fostering environmental responsibility and resource conservation within communities.


  • Market opportunities: The growing focus on nutrition creates opportunities for businesses involved in producing, processing, and distributing nutritious food products.

  • Increased productivity and reduced absenteeism: A healthier workforce due to improved nutrition can lead to increased productivity and lower absenteeism for businesses.

  • Enhanced brand image: Participating in or supporting Mission Poshan initiatives can demonstrate a company's commitment to social responsibility and ethical practices, positively impacting brand image and reputation.


  • Reduced healthcare burden: Improved nutritional outcomes can lead to a decrease in healthcare costs associated with malnutrition-related illnesses, freeing up resources for other development programs.

  • Increased human capital: A healthier and well-nourished population contributes to a more productive workforce, promoting economic growth and development.

Here are some ways you can get involved and benefit from Mission Poshan:

  • Support local farmers and businesses: Choose to buy locally produced, seasonal, and diverse food options, contributing to sustainable food systems and supporting local economies.

  • Promote healthy eating habits: Share information about balanced diets and good nutrition practices within your family and community.

  • Volunteer or donate to organizations: Support NGOs or initiatives working towards improving nutrition in your community.

  • Advocate for policy changes: Raise awareness about the importance of nutrition and advocate for policies that support access to nutritious food for all.

By actively participating and supporting Mission Poshan, we can collectively contribute to a healthier, more empowered, and sustainable future for India.

However, obstacles remain:

  • Uneven Progress: Implementation across states and districts has been uneven, with some regions lagging behind in achieving targets.

  • Funding and Sustainability: Ensuring long-term financial sustainability for program implementation and infrastructure development requires innovative solutions.

  • Addressing Underlying Causes: Tackling factors like poverty, poor sanitation, and limited access to healthcare is crucial for sustainable impact.

  • Data Monitoring and Evaluation: Strengthening data collection, analysis, and utilization remains necessary for informed decision-making and course correction.

The Road Ahead: Nourishing a Healthy Future

Undoubtedly, Mission Poshan has taken significant strides towards tackling malnutrition in India. However, addressing uneven progress, securing long-term funding, focusing on underlying causes, and strengthening data-driven decision making are essential for long-term success. By overcoming these challenges and fostering a collaborative, community-driven approach, Mission Poshan can truly lay the foundation for a healthier, more nourished future for India, where every child and individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Mission Poshan, its objectives, implementation, and impact. This overview provides a comprehensive understanding of the mission and its significance in India's fight against malnutrition.

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